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Allergy Season is Here

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Allergy Season is Here

Allergy season is upon us and with the change of seasons can come some pretty uncomfortable symptoms. From symptoms to prevention, here’s what to know to help you cope with your seasonal allergies before they take over your daily life.

Know Your Triggers

The best way to ensure your allergies don’t wreak havoc on your day-to-day life is to know your most common triggers. When someone has an allergy, they're sensitive to substances that don't affect most people. For some, staying indoors on dry, windy days might be best. If your allergies are severe, you may want to visit an allergist to correctly pinpoint your biggest triggers so that you can avoid them. In the meantime, talk to your primary care provider about best options for you.

Common Allergy Triggers


As the temperature rises and moisture enters the air, the chance for mold increases around the home. Dust mites peak in the summer months and nest in your beds, fabrics, and carpets. In turn, their residue can be spread throughout your home, leaving you and your family sneezing, wheezing, or constantly wiping runny noses.

Grass and Weeds

Outside, there are pollen, trees, plants, and weeds that can lead to allergy symptoms. All are based on location, but ragweed can be one of the most common. If you notice your symptoms increase when you’re near fresh cut grass, chances are you may have an allergy.

Insect Bits & Stings

An increase in bees and bugs can lead to a bite or sting which might cause mild itching or swelling for some. For others, it can be an emergency.  Throat swelling, dizziness, nausea and other severe symptoms can lead to shock. Seek immediate medical attention. 


The most telling sign of pollen allergy is that it is seasonal; people only have symptoms when the pollen they are allergic to is in the air. This type of allergy is termed "seasonal allergic rhinitis." Rhinitis is the term for an inflammation in the nose. When a person is allergic to several pollens and/or molds or dust or has symptoms year round, it's called "perennial allergic rhinitis."

Spring Clean

To ensure you are not bringing allergens with you indoors, take off your jacket and shoes as soon as you go inside and leave your shoes at the door. Wash your hands and shower often to remove any outdoor allergens. Bathe your pets more often, vacuum and clean throughout the week. You also will want to change your HVAC systems filter to ensure it’s working, as it should provide you with clean, allergy free air.

Notice Pollen Counts

One great habit to get into is tracking the pollen count in local weather reports. A pollen count is a measure of how much pollen is in the air at a given time. Counts tend to be higher in the morning and on dry, windy days. It's a good idea to stay indoors when pollen counts are high.

Some other tips include:

  • showering after being outside
  • keeping doors and windows closed
  • wearing a mask when working outdoors
  • using the air conditioner in your home and car

Know When It’s More Than Allergies

Sometimes what you might think are allergies could be a lingering cold. If you have clear or watery mucus, itchy watery eyes, the symptoms appear in certain situations, or sniffles that last longer than a week, you are most likely suffering from allergy symptoms.

If you are struggling with allergy symptoms or are fighting a cold, the dedicated and experienced staff at the Campbell County Medical Group ENT Clinic can provide you with the personal and quality care you need. Related services are also available at our  Walk-in Clinic or with any of our Family Medicine providers. For more information, or to schedule your appointment, call 307-688-6000.

  • Category: Campbell County Medical Group Family Medicine, Campbell County Medical Group Kid Clinic, Campbell County Medical Group Pediatrics, Campbell County Medical Group Walk-In Clinic & Occupational Health, Campbell County Medical Group Wright Clinic & Occupational Health, Campbell County Memorial Hospital, CCMG News, CCMH News, Patient Care, Wellness, Health News