School Success Story

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School Success Story

School is just around the corner! Summer has flown by and now it is time for kiddos to prepare to return to school. This can cause an increase in anxiety. Sometimes it is first day jitters or excitement- other times it is constant worry that can inhibit daily life. Some ways to help your child work through this
worry include Encourage deep breathing- demonstrate yourself when your child is worked up, showing them by example is one of the best ways for kiddos to learn to regulate. Practice Mindfulness- take a walk and be mindful of the five senses. Identify with your child when you see, hear, feel, smell, taste.
Establish a routine- create a routine for the family to allow for consistency which creates ease for the kiddos when they know what to expect
Set up a tour- if your child is going to a new school see about setting up a tour so they get to
know the environment they are going to be in. Enjoy the last bits of summer- soak it all in, encourage your child relax and enjoy the time with

Back to school can be a stressful time. Take it in stride and do your best to enjoy the time as it comes.
Modeling behaviors for our children is the best way to help them learn.

  • Category: Campbell County Medical Group Kid Clinic